imDocShare Admin App User Guide

imDocShare Admin App User Guide

imDocShare Admin App User Guide

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This User Guide is a general overview of how to use and access the imDocShare Admin App designed for imDocShare Admin Users.  In this Admin App, Admins have the ability to control the Global settings that can reflect in the configs of each WebPart or tab implementation of imDocShare. 
In this documentation we will cover the parts mentioned below
  1. What is the Admin App and how to access it?
  2. Why use the Admin App and the common use cases
  3. A Walkthrough of the Admin App interface
  4. Global defaults, overrides and how they will affect your webparts.

What is the Admin App?

The Admin App is specially created for imDocShare admin users to view and manage global configurations for imDocShare config settings. As you may know, imDocShare uses config options to control every aspect of what the users can view and interact with, as well as many default settings that are required for the imDocShare to function.
Using this app, administrators can control the config settings by restricting the override options for certain settings or by applying the pre-defined defaults which will be customized for your environment and replace the factory default settings. This system is applicable for SharePoint, Teams Custom Tabs and Web Apps.
The Admin App is a service hosted by KLST which can be reached with this url:

Who can use Admin App?

imDocShare Admins can use this Admin App. Admins are automatically set to primary contact user emails when a client creates an account with our company. Admins are also able to manage this list to add or remove User emails. Navigate to Admin Users page and add a valid User’s Email ID or remove them and click “Save”.

Why use the Admin App?

By default, we allow Users to edit all config settings. We also provide some factory defaults that may or may not fit your specific environment. Typically, Users will have to change these settings on each webpart or tab that they wish to customize. 

However, using this Admin App provides a solution which allows administrators to set up trusted defaults that will be applied across ALL SharePoint webparts or ALL Teams tabs. Admins can also override specific settings; the experience can be as general or as granular as desired. As shown in the image below, Admins can allow override to whatever settings a User can edit. 

Overall, there are 2 main questions that an Administrator must decide when setting up configurations globally:

Does this setting need to have a default value that is different than the factory default?
      If yes, then picking an option in the Admin App will globally provide your selection as default in all environments
      If no, then not picking an option will set the app to use individual user-defined values or factory defaults for that config option
Should Users be able to change from the setting that is provided to them?
      If yes, then turning off “Allow Override” in its respective environment will disallow Users from changing this setting
      If no, then turning on “Allow Override” will let Users change the setting

Using the system above there can be 4 different results for each setting: 
      Default setting is provided via global config and User is NOT able to change it
      Default setting is not provided and User is NOT able to change it (this means the setting is effectively disabled or forced to use factory default)
      Default setting is provided via global config, but User is able to change it
      Default setting is NOT provided, and User is able to change it (the setting will use factory default but User is able to change it. This is the state       that existed before Admin App)

Example Use Cases

Let us get through some examples to understand the Admin App more clearly.
Case 1: Defaulting display options to “off” and hiding them.
In the example below, we have disabled override options for some settings which will restrict users from overriding in SharePoint. We have disabled Show Logo, Show Logout and Show Search Box with the pre-defined settings.
Show Logo: - Hide
Show Logout: - Hide
Show Search Box: - Hide

Now if the User navigates to a Config page or attempts to edit an existing webpart using config builder, they will be unable to edit these settings. They will see prompt message in the tooltip that states, “This setting cannot be overridden!”.

In this state, all Users across SharePoint will no longer be able to edit these 3 properties and also, they will be provided default values which will disable and hide these display options. 

Case 2: Removing undesired behaviors.
In this case, we would like to remove “Delete” from the list of available context menu options and disallow it in Teams only. This means that SharePoint Users will still be able to add the “delete” option but now, Teams Users will no longer be able see or select this option. To achieve this, simply de-select the ‘Delete’ item from the list of context menu items and “Allow Override” in SharePoint only. 

Case 3: Providing global defaults.
In the final example of a case, we are setting up global defaults for settings that should rarely be changed. For example, in this case, we are setting Default Click Behavior to “Download Document”. Setting override to false for all environments should disallow Users from deviating from this option on all environments.  


Here is a detailed walkthrough that goes through every step of accessing and manipulating the configs. To enter the imDocShare Admin App panel, the client will need to provide a valid License key. This license key is typically provided by KLST when imDocShare is purchased.  


After entering the License key, it will start validation. From the version 1.2.0 Admin Users are also able to login using the firm name. Once that is successfully completed, it will allow the User to authenticate with iManage. 

Login Using Firm Name

User can type in or choose the firm name available in the drop.

Once Firm Name Validation is successful sign in to iManage.

Enter valid iManage credentials to complete the authorization process. After completion of the authorization process, the User will be led to the Admin App home page.

Login Using Email

Enter a valid user id based on user email license details will load you can select your license key and confirm your validation.

Login Using License Key

Enter a valid License key.

Once after completion of License validation click on Login to iManage button. The iManage login process is the same as mentioned in the steps above.

Company Details 

Here we will get the Organization details along with Office address and Primary contact number which are derived from the license info that is stored in the KLST client database. You may change any settings here to update your firm’s information.
Also, we have additional settings for Admin Contact Name and Email ID which can be editable. These are the details end Users can directly use to contact for any assistance.

Admin Users

As we can see below, we can add or remove Admin Users who can access the Admin App. These Users are allowed to manage all the settings in the Admin App. Navigate to the Admin Users page to add or remove administrators’ emails.

Add User: Click on Add User button to add new Users. 

Enter Valid email address and Choose role of the admin and click Save to add the User.

Note: User can also choose the role of the admin based on their access levels.

Edit existing user role. User can choose between three possible roles as mentioned below.

Admin: Who has admin app access

Global Admin: Who can access all the apps

Sync Admin: Who can access only sync apps

Valid Domains

In a single firm we may have multiple domains. By using these Valid domains, we can control which domain User is able to access the Admin. 

Add a domain: Click on a Plus icon to add new domains.

Enter a valid domain name in the input field and click on Save.

iManage Settings

Navigate to iManage Settings page to provide iManage Client ID, iManage Secret Key, iManage Service User and iManage Service Password.

Global Config (Policies)

The Global Config is the main part in the Admin App. Here only the Admin can restrict the settings that can be controlled by the Users. As we can see in the screenshot below, Admins can Allow Override or not. The config screens will be updated based on these settings.
Note: Admin must select the pre-defined setting to restrict the override option. Otherwise, Users may end up with trying to select the setting.

Allowing Override

Admins will have almost all the settings to control except settings that are specific to particular web part view. For example, we are not allowing the compact mode options to be changed in admin settings because it is specific to normal view. Similarly, there is an option for tree view which determines whether the table shows only documents or documents and containers, this option is also not available in the Admin interface. 
If the Admin allows override, then users will be able to change the settings using the config builder or by manually editing the JSON. If Admin does not allow override, then users will get whatever the setting provided by Admin.

Config Appendix

imDocShare uses a JSON-formatted config object to customize views and webparts to suit a user’s needs. In the Admin App, Admins can restrict the settings that can be overridable. Below you will find a list of possible properties Admin can restrict. 

Admin-specific Properties

There is one property that is only available in the Admin App, and this is “Config Manual Editing”. This is because allowing Users to manually edit their webpart configuration goes against the principal of the Admin App. However, since there are some cases in which this may be required, we have included this property for Admins to turn on or off for niche use cases.  

Base Properties

Asset Path is the full path where static assets are stored and must be obtained during deployment. This config is mandatory as it is also used to determine licensing information.
If you are in SharePoint online (currently included in the config above) your asset path may look like the following: 
https:// {yourSharepointTenant}/sites/ManagePermission/SiteAssets/10f4bcb8-12fe-.43d7-9m4f-cghlj74abc52/

Optional Display Properties

showLogo is to show or hide the imDocShare logo image at the top left. Note: Image can be customized by replacing the file in the static images' library.
Example: “showLogo” : true //Accepts Boolean
showLogout is a property which controls whether or not the welcome message on the top right appears. This message can be clicked to reveal a small dropdown containing the ‘logout’ option. The default value is false. Omitting this value will set the value to false.
Note: On the Microsoft Teams implementation of our app, logout is required on every page, therefore this property is set to true and will not be editable by users
Example: “showLogout” : true //Accepts Boolean
showSearchBox is to show or hide the search box to execute filtering on the container contents or execute a full API search to the parent container.
Example: “showSearchBox” : true, //Accepts Boolean
Search Behavior is a global feature that exists on every WebPart. The search bar can be turned on or off in the configuration. Search functionality will vary depending on the type of content that is retrieved by the WebPart and also how it is configured. There are 2 main options for search configuration: “Search Current View” or “Search All”.
Search Current View: Will execute a search on iManage with the current container as the search scope (including sub-containers). It will return all results matching the metadata columns of the existing view.
Search All: Will execute a search on iManage with the current container as the search scope (including sub-containers). It will search across all the metadata including keyword searching the content of the document. 
Note: Search All cannot expand the search scope beyond the original source container.
Read Only View: Read Only View will restrict users from editing the documents. Enable it to restrict.
Context menu determines what options will appear in the dropdown context menu that is opened from clicking the “…” button beside each document.

Enable Post: Document post option is available in Teams app for Users to post single or multiple documents from imDocShare into the Teams channel using the post option available in the context menu. Enabling this feature will give the ability to Users to post documents on the Teams channel. Users can add comments for the documents while posting as well. Enabling this feature will give the ability to Users to post documents on the Teams channel.

Default Metadata Columns: Admin users have the ability to restrict column properties’ metadata values based on the requirement.
Click on drop down icon and choose the specific library.

Now choose the workspace.
Note: We have custom columns available at folder level in iManage. Till imDocShare 1.2.0 release, we have developed features up to the Workspace level in imDocShare. Further implementation is in progress. We will update this in coming releases.

Click on Plus icon to choose preferred columns.

After choosing the preferred column properties click on Done button to save. Admin is also able to choose Default Sort Property and the Sort Order.

After choosing the columns, Admin can also edit the current columns or delete the metadata setting by using edit and delete icons.

Source Type
Admin is also able to choose which sources a User is able to see in the config settings. As mentioned in the image below, click on Source Type drop down and choose the respective values and click Save. Only the selected Source Type will be reflected at User end config settings.

Login Using
imDocShare absolutely requires authentication with the iManage API service before any content can be returned to the user. This is a very important security step that cannot be bypassed. Only valid iManage account holders can see content from iManage through our application. Our application can use 3 different types of authentications for 3 different purposes. 
Standard OAuth with username and password screen from iManage (used for typical logins with a login screen)

SAML Authentication (used when Single-Sign-On is enabled on the client environment)

Password Grant OAuth with preset username and password (used for impersonation or custom login screen)
Admin can enforce the specific login type, or it can be defaulted to O Auth.

Default Click Behavior: The Default Click Behavior will define how the click behavior acts when User clicks on the documents. We have multiple behaviors as given below.
Open in iManage Work Web (Default): opens document on
Open in iManage Work Client: opens document on iManage Work client desktop application
Download Document: Simply downloads the document

Use Teams Channel for Co-Authoring: When using imDocShare co-authoring in the Teams app, iManage documents are saved in OneDrive when co-authoring begins. An admin user can configure the setting to save the iManage document in the Microsoft Teams channel's Files tab instead of OneDrive.

Co-Authors Selection Setting: To control the imDocShare co-authors using the below options
  Allow External User as Co-Author - If select this option external users are allowed for co-authors
  Apply ACL of iManage document - If select this option add the co-authors based on iManage wall

Default Co-Authors Email: When imDocShare co-authoring begins for a document, the default co-authors will be auto populated if configured.

Populate Team Members as Co-Authors: If this option is enabled, Microsoft Teams members will be auto populated as co-authors.

Sync Type: The sync type selection from admin app will define as shown in sync admin application for license-based user level sync manages type process. Once selected and submitted based on syncs type it will reflect in sync admin application other than sync type was removed. We can control sync type selection from an admin application.

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